Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Pictured above are two of the food items I consumed yesterday. Fried green tomatoes with crumbled blue cheese for dinner and then I also made some sundried tomato spread for toast and sandwiches etc.

But I have to confess--yesterday, I ate A LOT. I'm not even going to list everything here, but I may have gained 5 pounds. See, I found that, instead of thinking about food less, I was thinking about it more. Much more. This is not supposed to be the point of my challenge. The point is to know what it's like not to have things anytime I want them. The point is to think about food less.

But I've realized--I am so used to being a consumer, to having whatever food I want whenever I think of it, that it's been hard for me just to know that--I can't. Don't get me wrong, I've been eating wonderful, delicious things. But, I can't eat: bacon. rigatoni. cheddar. kale. ice cream. because I don't have those things. And so I try to make do by stuffing myself with other things.

Wrong. I should--I can--make do by stuffing myself with God. Anytime I feel hungry for something I don't have (and, in some cases, anytime I feel hungry period), I should pray. I should recognize that yes, I am making a sacrifice, and that yes, God is the one who will sustain me. Not fried potatoes at 10 pm.

When I came home from school today, I didn't start the eating frenzy. I'd already prayed earlier in the day for God to sustain me. And he is.

Be on the lookout later for an exciting post about tonight's dinner!

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