Sunday, December 10, 2006

Being Festive

I'm so sneaky...

He was a good boy this year

Now perhaps many of you know that I am a festive person. I am festive when it comes to many holidays (read: Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day--all those fun saints), but Christmas is an especially big one, right? Perhaps you've received a Christmas card from me in the past, or have seen me in festive clothing. But what you may not know is that I also act as a Christmas elf. No, not one of those elves that pass out candy canes in department stores and wear more felt than is healthy for one human being. I have the priviledge of being elf to certain boys that hang their stockings on the door to their dorm. It all began last year. I don't know how, but my friend Chase somehow let it slip that he and his roommates, Aaron and Dan, had hung their stockings, maybe I could fill them? This seemed like a great idea, and fill them I did. And yesterday the time came for me to repeat this gesture of Christmas cheer. The roommates have changed slightly, and the boys (read: strapping young men) were: Chase, Aaron, Dan, and Shaun. So filled the stockings with lots of goodies. Here are the gentlement sporting one of the best stocking stuffers I know: Banana Republic boxers.

Shaun, Dan, Chase, and Aaron

And here's a little blast from the past:
Christmas elf, circa 2005

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